Early Years Blog
A hub for everything early years, EYFS and nursery education.
In our blog you’ll find inspiration for activities, news, events and advice from early years experts.
Effective early years Numicon activities
Sheila O’Reilly shares with us her favourite Numicon activities for preschool and beyond, as well as explaining why they can be effective. My name is Sheila and I’m a primary school teacher with twenty years’ experience. I also run the account @rascals_and_rainbows on...
Messy maths mud kitchen play ideas
Early years children love messy play, making it a great way to introduce EYFS maths activities, with mud kitchens being a popular idea for getting started!
7 outdoor summer activities for kids
We’ve put together some of our favourite summer outdoor activities for kids, where each idea will require different skills and areas of learning.
Outdoor learning with Kids Allowed: forest school activities
Kids Allowed Nurseries explain the benefits of outdoor learning for EYFS children, along with forest school activities and nature play ideas.
Messy play: Malleable materials for early years
In early years, messy play with malleable materials provides so much opportunity for babies and toddlers to emerge themselves in sensory activities
The art of den building by NDNA
NDNA recognise that den building as part of nature play in the early years is great for learning and development, despite becoming less and less common.
Messy play ideas using mud
Children in their early years love messy play activities, especially ones including mud! But it’s not just fun, there’s actually a number of key benefits.
Schemas in early years
Schemas in early years can be described as patterns of repeated behaviours, which often occur in play. Some baby schemas include transforming and rotating.
Easy Father’s Day crafts: Tie card and bookmark
Mrs Mactivity has some great ideas for simple Father’s Day activities. This one will take you through the step by steps of how to create a tie card.
4 easy Father’s Day crafts and activities
Let the little ones say thank you with these 4 easy Father’s day craft activities, including cards, photo frames and baking!
Mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
We all recognise the importance of mental health and wellbeing, both at home and in the workplace, so we’ve come up with some activities to improve them!
The big freeze: Outdoor ice play ideas
Kids love ice cube activities, or anything with ice play. Outdoor learning and play ideas like this, especially in spring are great for pre-schoolers.