Mother’s Day Classroom Activities 


Mother’s Day, also known as mothering Sunday, originally started as a religious celebration that takes place on the fourth Sunday of Lent. Although it is celebrated on different days around the world, this year, Mother’s Day is celebrated on 27th March in the UK. Exactly three weeks before Easter.

Here at Hope, we understand how important teachers are to young pupils. Mother’s Day can be an important day for kids to show appreciation to their loved ones, including teachers. There are lots of different things you can do to celebrate Mother’s Day.  



Celebrate in the classroom

Celebrate Mother’s Day in the classroom. Give pupils the opportunity to write a letter of thanks. Not only does this home in on their literacy skills but it’s a great way for them to recognise the things they love about their mum and express this down on paper.  

You could even have them write a storyboard about the women in their lives. Do they see them as a superhero? If so, why? Help pupils be creative and have them illustrate their work; this can be a great way to showcase their stories to the class.  

 If children don’t want to write a story, then give them the option to create a poem. Encourage them to use rhyming words to describe. They can practice in front of their peers, so they are confident to read it at home to the important women in their lives.



Create a bulletin board 

Some pupils may prefer drawing and painting compared to writing. But creating a bulletin board incorporates both. Students can either write something they love about their mothers or draw a picture for them. And if they want, they can do both. 

The best thing about having a bulletin board is that all the pieces of work can be stuck onto it and shown to their mums or important female figures when they drop them off or pick them up from school. It will also give the students something to be proud of.  

Place it on a wall near the entrance of the classroom so the adults can see it when they walk in. Pupils can point out their work on the display and show them.  



Provide the children with all the crafts they need to create something special and unique for their mother. This could range from cards, paintings, or even flower pots that they can take home. Plus, you don’t need a lot of resources! They’re fun, easy, and still allow the children to get creative.  

Another great crafting idea is making some jewellery. All you need is some stretchy string and beads or get pupils to make their own charms with the resources they have around them. You could also get some of the older children to help – this would be a great opportunity, if they have older siblings, to create something together. 



Creative coupons 

If you are looking for a more unique gift, then try helping your pupils make a coupon booklet. Not only will the women in their life appreciate these, but it encourages family involvement at home. These coupons could include anything from helping with the cooking to cleaning. How can they do something special for her? 

Children will love creating this gift that keeps on giving, as well as the chance to truly appreciate the woman they are celebrating. It’s also a chance to practice good writing and penmanship. A perfect way to incorporate Mother’s Day in the classroom.  


Not just for mothers 

Mother’s Day is a day where you can give thanks to a mum, grandma, sister, aunt, friend, teacher or anyone else who has acted as a mother to you during your life. 

As a teacher, it’s important to recognise sensitivities when it comes to children. There may be a pupil in your class that has lost their mother. It’s important to recognise that this day can be for all important female figures in their lives.  


Why not show us how you’re spending Mother’s Day on our social media, head over to our Instagram.

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