Crafts & Activities
A wide range of free crafts and activities for teaching in and out of the classroom. Find lots of crafts, quizzes and worksheets for free!
Valentine’s Day crafts for your class
Valentine’s Day is around the corner, to get in the spirit we have teamed up with some teachers to bring you Valentine’s Day crafts for your class
Halloween competition: Show us your best pumpkin!
Get spooky with some pumpkin carving & enter our amazing Halloween Competition for your chance to win an amazing Christmas crafts bundle!
Recycled festive friends
Get in the festive spirit with this amazing recycled festive friends craft, perfect to do with your class. Follow our simple guide to create
Incorporate cross-curricular learning outdoors
Head outside with your class & incorporate cross-curricular learning outdoors. Try out our cross-curricular activities & find out more in our blog!
LEGO® professional development workshops and training sessions
Find out how to deliver engaging Computing, STEM and Design & Technology lessons using LEGO® Education’s innovative resources in one of our sessions.
Summer Baking: Afternoon tea week
Create your own afternoon tea for afternoon tea week with our delicious summer baking recipes! Enjoy in the sun or even rain as a pick me up!
How to: Electric Circuits
Make electric circuits fun and engaging with our circuit activity boards. Follow the step by steps to create your own!
Summer holiday activities quiz
Stuck on what to do throughout the rest of the holidays? Take our summer holiday activities quiz to gain fun & engaging ideas kids will love.
Nature crafts for kids
We have teamed up with a few friends to bring you amazing nature crafts for kids. Use these crafts to entice children to get outside this summer.
Children’s Art Week activities
Use our Children’s Art Week activities to celebrate the event & instil a passion for art in your pupils. Read our blog to find out more.
Spring desserts: Rhubarb crumble cake
Try our delicious spring desserts rhubarb crumble cake recipe and share with your pupils. Feel summer ready and enjoy baking with Hope.
Dinosaur Day quiz for kids: Test their knowledge
Test your pupil’s knowledge on all things dinosaurs with our fun & engaging Dinosaur Day quiz for kids. Play now & learn more about them too.