Preparing pupils for the fast-paced world of tomorrow is essential. Many curriculum fads come and go over the years but one which will undoubtedly stick around is coding and robotics in the classroom. The workers of tomorrow’s world will be expected to be highly...
LEGO® MINDSTORMS® has actually been around since 1985. The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (also the creators and distributors of Scratch programming – they know their computing stuff!) and the LEGO® Group came together to provide a way to learn through...
Teaching kids to code doesn’t have to be complicated. If you’re moving into a teaching role which now expects knowledge of coding… don’t fret. In this list of coding vocabulary for students, we’ll provide a detailed glossary of coding words along with tips on how the...
If you’ve been researching how best to protect pupils and teachers and nursery practitioners from bacteria and viruses, you’ve probably come across the word ‘antimicrobial’. If you’re unsure what the word means, and how it can be used as part of your health and safety...
After wide-ranging reforms over forty years ago, the award for the best education system in the world goes to Finland. Each year, Finland continually appears in the top ten for every subject in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development analysis...
Chinese New Year is the most important celebration in the Chinese calendar, so we’ve collated some Chinese New Year teaching ideas so you can celebrate with your pupils! Chinese New Year can begin on any date during the 21st January and 20th February as it’s based...