Nelson Mandela Day: 5 facts

Nelson Mandela Day: 5 facts

Nelson Mandela Day: 5 facts   As primary school teachers, you have the unique opportunity to educate young minds about remarkable individuals who have left a permanent mark on the world. One such inspirational figure is Nelson Mandela, a global icon of freedom,...
Sports Day: Teacher preparation

Sports Day: Teacher preparation

Sports Day: Teacher preparation Sports day is coming up and it’s time to start planning the day to be able to have a fun and safe sports day. Teachers are at the heart of every sports day, from setting it up to helping children with the activities. It is...
Great places to go walking in the UK

Great places to go walking in the UK

Great Places to go walking in the UK   Getting outdoors is amazing for mental health and destressing from the fast-paced life of a teacher. The outdoors is a great way to get out of the usual hustle and bustle of daily life and brings a great change of scenery. ...

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