With the huge disruption to everyone’s lives, you’ve probably thought a lot about what can be done in the classroom to tackle mental health and the role schools play in the promotion of positive mental health. There’s a lot to consider, not to mention ensuring your...
“I can’t do maths.” It seems to be such a common way of thinking. Usually it comes as a throw away comment but for some, even the thought of maths can be terrifying. It’s known as maths anxiety. Rapid heart beat, sweat, a million and one thoughts running through the...
Many countries around the world have turned to remote learning in light of school closures and teachers have done the world proud and utilised their problem solving skills to an applaudable level. With the possibility of school shut downs taken as a precaution in the...
Parents and teachers working together, that’s the dream. Whether it’s exam season or start of term, parents are often keen to involve themselves in the education and wellbeing of their child. As well meaning as their questions may be, it can sometimes cause...