AR in education The classroom is becoming more digital than ever to aid children’s learning. This way of learning aims to develop vital modern skills in pupils ready for the ever-changing technological future. Due to this massive development, Augmented Reality...
Looking to get more out of your LEGO® Education resources? We offer a range of services to give you the tools you need to deliver inspiring, creative learning experiences. What to expect from a LEGO® workshop or training session Find out how to deliver engaging...
The great outdoors can be an incredible tool for enhancing learning for pupils of all age ranges and skill levels. Across any subject or topic, you can make use of nature and the things that make it up. To help you, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of outdoor...
Visualisers are growing in popularity as an educational tool. It’s fast becoming one of the most useful assets in a teacher’s armoury, helping to enhance learning not only in the classroom but for remote learning too. But what is a visualiser, how are they used in an...
Pupils have long been encouraged to supplement their learning outside of the classroom. With only so much time and focus you can give to your class, it’s important you’re able to lean on modern technology to deliver education away from your instruction. The...