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Soothing with the senses – developing emotional regulation
Our senses help us ‘make sense’ of what is happening in the world outside our bodies. Learning to interpret the information coming in from the senses and then produce an appropriate response, is how young children develop language, social skills and motor...
6 Top Tips for Developing Mindfulness in the Nursery
Introducing mindfulness and meditation in the nursery can improve children's wellbeing and mental health, as well as helping them to focus on learning. In celebration of World Meditation Day, we have collated six top tips for introducing mindfulness and meditation to...
Working with Autistic children and creating a friendly space
Working with autistic children and creating an autism-friendly setting can seem like a daunting prospect when you first begin, but with the right resources and know-how, it is easier and more fun than you may have thought! Developing strategies for autistic children...
Supporting Children’s Mental Health in Lockdown and Beyond
Supporting children’s mental health is so important in lockdown and beyond, by recognising the signs of poor mental health and learning how to deal with it. This much is clear: the pandemic has had a dramatic effect on children’s mental health. While children often...
Outdoor play – Den building with @earlyyearsoutdoor
Children have created dens as part of their outdoor play for hundreds of years, but as children spend less time outdoors, getting them into fresh air and building a den can have huge benefits. Help them to reignite their passion and enhance many skills by providing...
Sensory Stories – encouraging literacy in early years play
Sensory Stories – encouraging literacy in early years play We worked with our Brand Rep, @Mamasden, to explore Sensory Stories, and how they help to incorporate and encourage literacy in early years play. Have you ever noticed how children just cannot keep...