Where would we be without apps? There are so many to choose from and they can help with so many aspects of life, and wellbeing and mental health is no exception. For teachers who are some of the most stressed workers out there, these kinds of calming, stress-relieving apps can be great for helping you to look after you.

Teacher wellbeing is so important, that we decided to put together an extensive list of apps that can help you achieve an improved mental state, plus a little information about each.

Apps for better teacher wellbeing

  1. Sleep cycle
  2. Pzizz
  3. Breethe
  4. Headspace
  5. Calm
  6. Colorfly
  7. The 7 Minute Workout
  8. Evernote
  9. Kitche
  10. FamilyWall
  11. Mind


Head over to your smartphone’s app store and give some of these tailored made apps for mindfulness, health and wellbeing a try.


For better sleeping patterns

1. Sleep Cycle

Can really help if your sleeping cycle is all out of whack. The app tracks your sleep cycle and wakes you up during light sleep; waking up during this period of sleep feels a lot more natural than a screaming alarm clock. You don’t need to have a smart watch for Sleep Cycle to work either.

Cost: Free

Download Sleep Cycle.

2. Pzizz

Pzizz is an all-in-one app for both falling asleep and waking up. Use a mix of music, voiceovers and sound effects to help you drift off at night (or even a power nap in the day). Then, use it’s built-in alarm feature to wake up at the exact time you need to feeling energised and ready for the day. It even has a focus module to help you get more done in the day.

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Pzizz.

For meditiation and mindfulness

3. Breethe

Breethe is a great app to help with stress, anxiety and sleepless nights. It’s a medidtation app that provides guided meditiations and music. The Breethe blog is also full of helpful articles to help you get started with meditiation.

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Breethe.

4. Headspace

Headspace is definitely leading the pack when it comes to mindfulness meditation. Not only does it offer a free period to new users, using it has countless benefits. You can reduce stress, improve sleep and Headspace’s research has even shown that meditation improves compassion levels and focus. If workload is getting to you, try Headspace out.

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Headspace.

5. Calm

Calm is also offering new users a free trial. Their mission is ‘to make the world happier and healthier.’ You can’t argue with that! A membership with Calm gives you access to meditations, relaxing music compilations, soundscapes and even bed time stories to help you drop off after a stressful day.

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Calm.

6. Colorfly

There’s been a huge boom in colouring books for adults and luckily, app developers haven’t missed a trick! Colorfly is a free colouring book for adults and includes over 1,000 illustrations and colour palettes for you to use. A happy distraction from wandering thoughts about work.

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Colorfly iOS and Android.

7. 7 Minute Workout

7 Minute Workout from Johnson & Johnson is a great way for time-poor teachers to keep fit. The workouts are set to music which help to guide you the rhythm of the workout. They are led by personal trainers and all movements can be seen through demonstrations on the app. All you will need is a wall and a chair to complete any of the workouts. Perfect to do from your home!

Cost: Free

Download 7 Minute Workout.

For better organisation

8. Evernote

Evernote is a fantastic app for organising both your work and personal life. The great thing about Evernote is that you can upload and organise anything and everything all in one place. You can type up notes on it, scan in written notes, clip web pages, create to-do lists and organise lesson plans all on Evernote. Perfect for when you’re planning is a bit chaotic!

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download Evernote.

9. Kitche

With so many pressures on the job, eating well can be one of the first things to slip when you’re short on time. But eating well is so important – and Kitche can help you do that. This free app lets you scan your supermarket receipts, then gives you meal options based on the items you have. Food planning for the week made easy.

Cost: Free

Download Kitche.

10. FamilyWall

No matter how much school overtakes your life, you need to make time for your family. With FamilyWall is a centralised organisational planner, so you can find gaps in everyone’s schedule and slot in some much needed family time. 

Cost: Free (with paid options)

Download FamilyWall.

For better mental health

11. Mind

Whilst the apps listed below can be helpful for your general wellbeing, they are not a replacement for professional help – so we thought we’d divert one our final suggestion. If you are struggling with your mental health, the first port of call should always be a mental health professional. If you are looking for professional help the mental health charity Mind can help you find what you need.

Cost: Free 

Check out Mind.

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