Ways to memorise the locations of countries on a world map

a world map- children working together to name each country on a map

Ways to memorise the locations of countries on a world map

Memorising the locations of countries on a world map can be quite difficult for children. Teachers must think of engaging and creative ways to aid their pupils in remembering countries and where they are. Doing this helps children with their geography and gives them a better sense of the world that we live in.

However, it can be a struggle to think of engaging activities your pupils will love. To help you, we have sourced some activities you can try out with your class or use as inspiration. These activities can help the location of countries on world maps stick in children’s minds.


Use up to date maps

To help your pupils memorise the location of countries on a world map, make sure you have up-to-date maps. Doing this allows children to memorise countries correctly and also gives them accurate information for today. Purchase maps from reputable sources that supply you with accurate world maps. Our simple map makes memorising countries that little bit easier for pupils as there isn’t too much information on it. The colourful countries help children associate certain colours with countries enabling them to remember.


Go by continent

Stop pupils from being overwhelmed by breaking down a world map by continents. Children’s concentration can break if you try to cover the whole map at once. Plus, it can make memorisation a lot harder as they become overloaded with different countries. Make your way through one continent at a time and if needed, cover the others so that children focus on that particular area. Make sure to cover each continent in a different lesson too so information can be processed by your pupils, and they can remember what countries they have learnt.


Focus on countries you struggle with

If any of your pupils are struggling with particular countries encourage them to focus on those. To help them with this, suggest taking notice of the surrounding countries and bodies of water. Let them think about the shape of it too so that they can make other associations to remember the country.

List down all the countries your class is struggling with by quizzing them and seeing how many get the answers right for each country. The ones that have the most incorrect answers can be identified as countries the class is struggling with. From this, focus lessons on them and then, later, test your class on all the countries they are unsure of and see if their knowledge has improved.


Memorise through current events

A great way to help children memorise countries on a world map is by relating them to current events. Together, you can look at countries that are in the news to help children gain an understanding of where the country is. Make sure that these current events relate to your class’s age range so that they make a connection as they are interested in the event.

You could also Google together countries to get more information about them. This can aid children in making informative connections and recognise a country through what they have learnt about it.


Use geography apps and websites

Geography apps and websites can be a huge help for children to memorise locations of countries on a world map. There are many apps and websites you can explore with your pupils that make learning countries fun. From quizzes to games, children can have fun learning where countries are on a map so that they don’t grow bored of it and are engaged, as its interactive.

You could use Google Earth for a realistic view of the world and let children explore what countries look like. There’s also Seterra Geography free app that offers educational quizzes, games and activities to assist pupils with learning Geography and all about the world.


A world map- teacher and pupils locating countries

Piece a world map Jigsaw together

Doing a world map jigsaw puzzle activates children’s brains and develops their reasoning, sequencing and problem-solving skills. Whilst piecing the puzzle together, children can see the countries and begin to memorise them as they go along. It is also a great way to focus on one country at a time when piecing together. This makes it easier for your pupils to remember where each country is on the map.

You could get the class to do a large jigsaw together so they can learn from each other and help each other with where countries are.


Print maps out and colour code

Print out blank maps and let your pupils be creative and colour each country in. They could even create designs for each country if they wish. Doing this helps children to memorise where countries are on a map through colour or pattern recognition. Having the opportunity to choose their colours or designs is better for them to remember as it becomes their own unique and personal map. It also allows children to have fun being creative and can be relaxing for them too.


Quiz alphabetically

To reinforce your pupil’s knowledge of the locations of countries, quiz them alphabetically. Randomly choose an area on a map or go by continents and ask your class to order the countries in alphabetical order. You could use mini whiteboards for children to answer on so that it’s easier to address the whole class and track each pupil’s answers.


Have a visual map on display

Choose an area of your classroom where the whole class can see to display a world map. Having this visual as a reminder of where countries are constantly in sight, helps with memorisation. Children can view it in detail when needed and can even use it as a guide when learning about different countries.

Consider an interactive display map where pupils can identify countries themselves and pin the names of each onto it. With visual cues to help them such as native animals, it’s a fantastic way for children to remember where countries are.


Use phrases to help

Incorporate creative writing with memorising locations of countries on a map and encourage children to create memorable phrases. Let your pupils’ imaginations run wild and make the silliest phrases to aid them in remembering every country and where they are located. You could even create a class one together or vote for the best one to use as a guide for everyone.


Try out these activities with your class to help them memorise locations of countries on a world map. Tailor the activities to suit your pupils needs and age range too. It is important to have mixed activities that explores the world visually and interactively so children can make different connections and understand the world better. Plus, this helps children to develop their memory skills overall.

<a href="https://blog.hope-education.co.uk/author/amber-vaccianna/" target="_self">Amber Vaccianna</a>

Amber Vaccianna

Hope blog writer

21 June 2023

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