The Importance of Dolls in Emotional Intelligence
But, how can we convey this important message to our little ones?
By having access to a variety of dolls, children learn to appreciate and respect individual differences from an early age, becoming aware of the fact that as each boy and girl is unique.
Through the imitation of everyday situations, children grow and learn about values, emotions, and good habits that accompany us throughout adulthood.
Expressing and managing their own feelings through play and creating stories that allow them to experience various emotions promotes the development of emotional intelligence and social skills, as well as empathy towards others and the establishment of healthy relationships.
In order to educate children in what truly matters, these dolls also help each boy and girl in the classroom see themselves represented, as the dolls can look alike. So, they can grow up knowing that regardless of their background, gender, or individual conditions we all have the right to be heard and respected.
Miniland Diversity Dolls
Miniland Dolls have recently added to their educational toys catalogue with a collection of diversity dolls. These dolls have been made to encompass the values of inclusivity and co-existence through play, by promoting empathy and accepting people of any race, gender or condition.
Each doll is handmade in Spain and anatomically correct. The dolls are available in various races and genders and include dolls with unique characteristics and conditions such as Down’s Syndrome, hearing implants and dolls with glasses.
Miniland Dolls allow children to recognize physical features and see resemblances of either themselves, family members or a friend. Through this, they can begin to learn self-acceptance and the acceptance of others.
This article was kindly written by Miniland. Shop all our Miniland dolls here For more of our articles, take a look at all our posts over on our blog homepage!
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