Fun and beneficial times tables activities for KS2

times tables activities

Fun and beneficial times tables activities for KS2


Teaching times tables to Key Stage 2 pupils can be a challenging task, but it doesn’t have to be dull and repetitive. By incorporating fun and interactive activities into your lessons, you can make learning times tables an enjoyable and beneficial experience for children. In this blog post, we will explore a variety of engaging activities that will help your KS2 pupils master their times tables while having fun along the way.


Times tables bingo

Bingo is a classic game that can be adapted to teach times tables. Create bingo cards with multiplication problems instead of numbers. Provide pupils with counters or markers to cover the correct answers as you call out the multiplication questions. This game not only reinforces multiplication knowledge but also improves listening and concentration skills.


Multiplication races

Turn multiplication drills into an exciting competition by organising multiplication races. Divide your class into teams and set up stations with multiplication cards. Each child takes turns running to a station, solving the multiplication problem, and returning to tag the next teammate. This activity encourages quick thinking and multiplication fluency while promoting teamwork and friendly competition.


Times tables art

Combine art and mathematics to create an enjoyable learning experience. Assign each pupil a times table and have them create a visual representation of the multiplication facts. For example, for the 3 times table, children could draw three rows of flowers with a certain number of flowers in each row. Encourage creativity and display their artwork to create a colourful and inspiring classroom display.


Times tables scavenger hunt

Organise a scavenger hunt where pupils search for answers to multiplication problems placed around the classroom or school grounds. Provide them with a list of multiplication questions, and they have to find the corresponding answers hidden in various locations. This activity not only reinforces times tables but also gets children up and moving while applying their mathematical skills.


Multiplication memory game

Create a set of multiplication memory cards by writing out multiplication problems on one set of cards and their corresponding answers on another set. Shuffle the cards and place them face down. Pupils take turns flipping over two cards, trying to make a multiplication fact pair. This game enhances memory skills and helps children reinforce their knowledge of times tables.

Or why not try our multiplication dominoes game? Children can play the real game of dominoes whilst learning times tables at the same time.


Teaching times tables to KS2 pupils can be both fun and beneficial with the right activities. By incorporating interactive games, artistic projects, and engaging online resources, you can create a dynamic learning environment that fosters multiplication fluency and mathematical confidence. Remember to adapt these activities to suit the needs of your children and provide them with opportunities to practice and reinforce their times tables skills. With these exciting activities, your KS2 pupils will be well on their way to becoming times tables masters!

<a href="" target="_self">Amber Vaccianna</a>

Amber Vaccianna

Hope blog writer

9 June 2023

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