Covering the EYFS framework with a Glow Writer
Our experts reviewed the Glow Writer – a glow art drawing board also used for mark making – and discovered that it covers all areas of learning in the EYFS (early years foundation stage) and proves to be very popular with the little ones!
The Glow Writer is a product developed by us, which comes in three different sizes. These include two Glow Writer Panels in 30 x 40cm and 50 x 70cm and a Glow Writer Easel 52 x 100cm. It was developed with the hope to encourage reluctant mark makers or writers and make reading and writing more exciting for children. The panel is dry wipe clean and side lit by LEDs, which have 28 different lighting effects and can be controlled using the IR remote control (included). It also comes with 8 fluorescent chalk markers, allowing children to make colourful marks and drawings.
Jen from @mamasden on Instagram is an early years childminder, who published her very own blog post on her own site reviewing the Glow Writer Panel, which you can read in full here. Alternatively, we’ve picked out the highlights and here’s what Jen had to say:
“We have had the board for just a few short weeks but have already been able to use it in a variety of ways. The children have enjoyed using it to make marks and to draw patterns. We used it to create a list of the members of our family and in a colour recognition game. I think that this glow panel could be used in multiple ways and as it has hooks could be wall mounted which could be really useful in a nursery or childcare setting…
I like to decide whether to invest in a new resource is to think about it in relation to the early years framework and figure out ways that I can combine it into the 7 areas of learning. Here are my thoughts for this product:
- Personal and Social Development – Children can play together and discuss their drawings and the marks they make.
- Physical Development – Fine motor skill development as children use their hands to pick up and manipulate the pens.
- Communication & Language – You could draw pictures or words onto the board to help the children develop their language skills. Seeing the letters and then sounding them will help them create the links they need for early word recognition and phonics.
- Mathematics – Children can count the marks they make, they can draw shapes or around shapes, they can copy symbols they see in the environment or from books, make comparisons between the sizes of the marks they make.
- Understanding the World – Using technology helps children understand the world around them. They will learn to use the remote control, learn about being careful with electrical items and how light can help us see.
- Literacy – The board can be used by older children to create storyboards, for them to write stories on or pictures and the lights enhance these games.
- Creative art and design – Encourage children to explore colour. They can use describing words to show they understand colour names or to describe the property of their drawings… wavy, curvy, zigzag etc.
In my setting I have had it out on our play table within easy reach of little hands and it has proved a hit with children of all ages. The chalk pens also easily clean off so not marks left on the skin. It is amazing… I received it and it has been played with constantly since. This glow panel retails at £39.99. I think this is amazing value for money and there is a smaller option at £24.99. I feel they are definitely worth investing in.”
Early years leader says…
Vicky Harris from @eyfs_easyideas on Instagram is an experienced Early Years leader and teacher who has reviewed the Glow Writer Panel and here’s what she has to say…
“Thank you so much for developing this amazing Glow Writer Panel. I honestly can’t tell you how impressed I am with it and how much I appreciate it.
The Glow Writer LED Panel is an excellent tool for developing all areas of learning in early years and beyond. I am very excited to be using this in my classroom – with 28 different settings this can be used to develop creativity, maths skills and mark making. Even my most reluctant mark makers will love this. The versatility of this resource makes it a must have for every classroom. It’s perfect!”
SenCo says…
Lisa Griffiths from is an Early Years primary teacher, SENCo, University Tutor and Mummy to a toddler reviewed the Glow Writer Panel, and here is what she had to say…
“You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” ― Maya Angelou
Glow Writer Panel in practice
I’m currently taking a career break to learn through the wonderful world of play with my toddler and It’s not often I see a new, innovative product for early years’ mark marking. The last time was probably the introduction of the interactive whiteboard. The new Glow Writer Panel is a great inventive product to encourage mark making. Mark making in the early years is always a hot topic. It’s not just about writing. It’s about creativity, recording, mathematical problems solving, collaborative thinking and honing of gross and fine motor skills. Big questions practitioners are asked include how we can develop the gross and fine motor skills needed to allow children to be able to utilise a range of media and materials, and how can we encourage those reluctant to mark make?
Encouraging mark making starts with the environment and resourcing. It’s important to have a range of resources to be able to spark the interest of the unique, individual learners in your setting. Glow Writer Panels are a delight to the senses. I deny anyone who sees the Glow Writer Panel not to want to have a go – whatever your age. Our whole family 2-65 years of age wanted a turn! The chalk pens slide beautifully across the surface of the panel and no pressure is needed. Perfect for those with developing motor control to allow them to comfortably make marks.
Whilst enjoying the Glow Writer, we found another way to use the panel that we love! If you use a slightly damp cloth you can intentionally spread the chalk pen over the surface of the panel. Once dry, when you switch the panel back on, the whole surface turns the colour you choose on the remote. You can then use the pens again or a finger to make marks on the panel. A real sensory treat!
Benefits of buying the Panel
I see the Glow Writer Panel being used independently in continuous provision as well as in small group sessions and circle times. Every teacher, childminder and nursery practitioner need a little magic in their practice. Whether it’s to inspire the child who is reluctant to have a go or the one who’s not sleeping so well and needs something exciting to captivate their attention. The Glow Writer Panel does this! I’ve found many children with special educational needs find technology to be particularly motivating and I feel the panel, with its sensory dynamic would really appeal.
Consideration should always be given to the mark making materials available and ensuring that gender bias doesn’t put off learners. The Glow Writer Panel appeals to all with its array of colours, including visual and kinaesthetic learners alike.
The panels come in a range of sizes and also as a lovely easel. Hope Education have made this magical, sensory delight a truly affordable resource. We love the Glow Writer Panel and think it would make a great addition to any setting.
Thank you to our Hope Education customers and Instagram supporters for providing us with reviews and photos.
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